
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Remembering this was given to me by a female friend, a French female friend.


I don't like spiders.

Some years ago a large and very hairy spider was in the grill of my car near the windshield wipers. I wasn't too concerned and drove off, my eldest daughter open her window a small crack to let some air in. And of cause the spider was blown in through the window and on to my daugther (I was driving so didn't see where it laned exactly) at which point my daughter tried to jump out of the moving car. We stopped, after the shaking went down we searched but never found the spider. Problably has his own blog saying how scary humans are.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Messing with some image tools

Have been messing around with some image tools.

with background:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Long walk

Being a fine day just passed mid-Spring and feeling like I should do something about my waist-line I very foolishly decided to walk to meet up with a friend today.  After entering a major pain zone a YouTube clip passed to me by a French contact yesterday kept going around in my head the dance I couldn't get out of my head.

Of cause I gave up half way there and limped on to a train, now I have sore feet, a small pile of smelly clothes and nothing much done towards my health nor game done today. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The dog was too good to skip posting

More example talking heads...

More example talking heads which could be used.

Kate taking head

Get a Voki now!

Trying out generating the talking heads in the game.

Reoccurring Thought

Normally, I chase software bugs for a living.  Sometimes writing new custom software as a single cog in a large wheel and then chasing bugs (adding patches) to bring the software up to being effective. But, I have on occasions had the thought of writing something whole.

Most recently (some months ago) the on a road trip to Melbourne a few ideas were thrown around by the car's occupants and recorded for a Space Trading Game.  Some odd things like "Elves" were included but obviously the aim of a game is fun so why not.

Anyway here are the first cut mockups of a couple of screens:-
Ship Screen:

Rough points about the ship screen:
  1. a single player can control multiple ships.
  2. at the most basic (cheapest) a ship can be crewed by AI devices.
  3. all team leader positions are totally optional.
  4. quality of team leaders and size of teams impact on that area of the ship performance.
  5. for example a lowest level navigator AI can only have a schedule route of 2 stations.
  6. while at a station positions can be filled from available pool of beings.
Space Station Trading Screen:
Rough points about the Station Trading Screen:
  1. Money is made by selling cargos or successfully undertaking assignments (passengers, consignments or contracts).
  2. The carrying capacity can be increased by dynamically tacking on extra pods.
  3. Some cargo needs special handling and therefore specific pods for example live shipments.
  4. Cargos have different values on different stations.
Let me know what you think especially anything to add fun into the game.

Monday, October 18, 2010

small cars large noise

Walking along my road (4 lane & busy) on Friday a noise hit me.  Not the usual 4 engine commercial jet airliner flying low overhead but a car's sound system. And I mean hit I was listening via ear buds to my pocket radio an AM chat show when the waves of sound interrupted.  A lady on a bike had just dismounted to cross at the lights and another guy was walking my side of the road in the opposite direction we all turned towards the sound.  The vehicle throwing the sound took off engine screaming just barely above the music noise being made as soon as the lights changed.  The car was a tiny Asian make with a young overweight male driver.

Yesterday while out walking listening to my radio a few blocks from home another music noise source passed me.  This was again a small Asian made car with a lone young male driver.  I starting thinking there might be a pattern after crossing the road and turning the corner (on this corner there is a large hospital like rehabilitation unit and an old people's home opposite) there was again a small Asian built car with a lone male driver leaning on his horn and wildly making arm movements that the traffic ahead of him was not moving quickly enough through a tight round-about.

Just reminds me I'm now old, boring and listen to chat shows instead of music to make my blood pump.